vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc
vinyl care, vinyl cleaning, vinyl wash, vinyl clothing wash, vinyl care, pvc clothing Cleaning, pvc dress washing, pvc washing, rubber, pvc garments wash, vinyl garments wash, cleaning pvc

Vinyl & PVC Detergent - Special Wash


Regular price €8,90
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

  • Worldwide shipping
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Inventory on the way

Special Wash VINYL & PVC. The high-gloss cleaner!

To keep your vinyl & PVC clothing looking beautiful for as long as possible and to protect it from weather, dirt, and odours, proper care is essential. Our specially formulated vinyl & PVC cleaner gently, quickly, and effectively removes even the most stubborn dirt and unpleasant odours. The beGLOSS Special Detergent protects the material, textiles, and fibres, as well as the coating, from rapid ageing and keeps it soft and supple.

Vinyl or PVC material is right on trend—whether it's a raincoat, pants, or a sexy high-gloss vinyl outfit, it's always an eye-catcher and loves the big show! Its shiny appearance doesn't tolerate any competition.

To make your vinyl outfit an “it” piece, it needs optimal care. Our innovative special cleaner composition gently, quickly, and effectively removes even stubborn dirt and unpleasant odours.

A special highlight: In our beGLOSS Academy, you can learn exactly how to use our special detergent optimally. Simply scan the QR code directly on the bottle to be directed to the beGLOSS Online Academy.


Vegan special detergent, free from animal testing

High-quality cleaning with an innovative formula, specially developed for vinyl & PVC clothing!

The care cleaner & detergent specifically for vinyl & PVC clothing

Reliably removes all odours and residues from sweat, dirt, nicotine, deodorant, and perfume.

Effectively removes oil and grease residues.

Protects the delicate vinyl material (inner fabric & vinyl & PVC coating)

Suitable for vinyl, vinyl, PVC & textile combinations.

Perfect high gloss for vinyl & PVC clothing

High-quality disc-top closure with economical dispensing head for precise application and dosing

The original only with sealed bottle! Our detergent bottles are hygienically sealed and protected by the tamper-evident closure.

Our beGLOSS bottles are securely shrink-wrapped for transport.

Vinyl or PVC clothing should not come into contact with deodorant, body lotion, oil, perfume, or general detergent, as these can damage the material! Already damaged items should not be washed further, as the washing process can cause the material to deteriorate further.

Ingredient labelling according to Regulation EC No. 648/2004:

< 5% anionic surfactants
< 5% amphoteric surfactants
< 5% non-ionic surfactants
Other ingredients: Phenoxyethanol
UFI-No: XA00-C0F3-3004-Q6UJ

beGLOSS—Made in Germany


beGLOSS Special Wash VINYL & PVC - Special Wash & Ultra Clean

High quality cleaning with innovative formula, specially developed for vinyl & PVC clothing

The caring cleaner & detergent for vinyl & PVC clothing

Effectively removes all odours and residues from sweat, dirt, nicotine, deodorant and perfume 

Effectively removes oil and grease residues

Protects the sensitive vinyl & PVC material (inner fabric & vinyl & PVC coating)

Suitable for vinyl & PVC & vinyl-textile combinations.

Perfect high gloss shine for Vinyl & PVC clothing

Nördliche Münchener Str.  27a
82031 Grünwald


Hazard Warnings
Always read the label and product information before use.
Warning: Causes eye and skin irritation.

Safety Instructions
IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES OR SKIN: Rinse thoroughly with water and consult a doctor immediately! (Show the bottle label if possible)
Keep out of reach of children. Do not ingest!


Avertissements de danger

Toujours lire l'étiquette et les informations sur le produit avant utilisation.
Avertissement : Provoque une irritation des yeux et de la peau.

Instructions de sécurité
EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX OU LA PEAU : Rincer abondamment à l'eau et consulter immédiatement un médecin ! (Si possible, montrer l'étiquette de la bouteille)
Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Ne pas avaler !



Bitte vor Gebrauch stets Etikett und Produktinformationen lesen.
Warnung: Verursacht Augen- und Hautreizungen.

BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN ODER DER HAUT: Gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und sofort einen Arzt konsultieren! (Falls möglich, Flaschenetikett vorzeigen)
Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. Nicht verschlucken!


Advertencias de peligro

Lea siempre la etiqueta y la información del producto antes de usarlo.
Advertencia: Provoca irritación en los ojos y la piel.

Instrucciones de seguridad
EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LOS OJOS O LA PIEL: Aclarar abundantemente con agua y consultar a un médico de inmediato. (Si es posible, mostrar la etiqueta del frasco)
Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. ¡No ingerir!


Avvertenze di pericolo

Leggere sempre l'etichetta e le informazioni sul prodotto prima dell'uso.
Avvertenza: Provoca irritazione agli occhi e alla pelle.

Istruzioni di sicurezza
IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI O LA PELLE: Sciacquare abbondantemente con acqua e consultare immediatamente un medico! (Se possibile, mostrare l'etichetta della bottiglia)
Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Non ingerire!


Ostrzeżenia o zagrożenia 

Przed użyciem zawsze przeczytaj etykietę i informacje o produkcie.
Ostrzeżenie: Powoduje podrażnienia oczu i skóry.

Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa
W PRZYPADKU KONTAKTU Z OCZAMI LUB SKÓRĄ: Dokładnie spłucz wodą i natychmiast skonsultuj się z lekarzem! (Jeśli to możliwe, pokaż etykietę butelki)
Przechowywać w miejscu niedostępnym dla dzieci. Nie połykać!



Lees altijd het etiket en de productinformatie voor gebruik.
Waarschuwing: Veroorzaakt irritatie aan ogen en huid.

BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN OF DE HUID: Grondig spoelen met water en onmiddellijk een arts raadplegen! (Toon indien mogelijk het flesetiket)
Buiten het bereik van kinderen houden. Niet inslikken!


Предупреждения за опасност 

Винаги прочитайте етикета и информацията за продукта преди употреба.
Предупреждение: Причинява дразнене на очите и кожата.

Инструкции за безопасност
ПРИ КОНТАКТ С ОЧИТЕ ИЛИ КОЖАТА: Изплакнете обилно с вода и незабавно се консултирайте с лекар! (Ако е възможно, покажете етикета на бутилката)
Дръжте далеч от деца. Не поглъщайте!


Advarsler om fare 

Læs altid etiketten og produktinformationen før brug.
Advarsel: Forårsager irritation af øjne og hud.

VED KONTAKT MED ØJNE ELLER HUD: Skyl grundigt med vand og kontakt straks en læge! (Vis flaskens etiket, hvis det er muligt)
Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn. Må ikke indtages!



Lugege enne kasutamist alati etiketti ja tooteteavet.
Hoiatus: Põhjustab silmade ja naha ärritust.

KONTAKTI KORRAL SILMADE VÕI NAHAGA: Loputage põhjalikult veega ja pöörduge viivitamatult arsti poole! (Võimalusel näidake pudeli etiketti)
Hoidke lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Ärge neelake alla!



Lue aina etiketti ja tuotetiedot ennen käyttöä.
Varoitus: Ärsyttää silmiä ja ihoa.

SILMIEN TAI IHON KOSKETUKSEN SATTUESSA: Huuhtele huolellisesti vedellä ja ota heti yhteys lääkäriin! (Näytä mahdollisuuksien mukaan pullon etiketti)
Säilytä lasten ulottumattomissa. Älä niele!


Προειδοποιήσεις Κινδύνου 

Διαβάστε πάντα την ετικέτα και τις πληροφορίες προϊόντος πριν από τη χρήση.
Προειδοποίηση: Προκαλεί ερεθισμό στα μάτια και το δέρμα.

Οδηγίες Ασφαλείας
ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΑ ΜΑΤΙΑ Ή ΤΟ ΔΕΡΜΑ: Ξεπλύνετε καλά με νερό και συμβουλευτείτε αμέσως γιατρό! (Εάν είναι δυνατόν, δείξτε την ετικέτα της φιάλης)
Μακριά από παιδιά. Μην καταπίνετε!

Irisch (Gaeilge)

Rabhadh Guaise 

Léigh an lipéad agus an fhaisnéis faoin táirge i gcónaí sula n-úsáidtear é.
Rabhadh: Spreagann sé greannú sna súile agus ar an gcraiceann.

Treoracha Sábháilteachta
MÁ THARLAÍONN TEAGMHÁIL LE SÚILE NÓ LE CRAICEANN: Sruthlaigh go maith le huisce agus téigh i gcomhairle le dochtúir láithreach! (Taispeáin lipéad an bhuidéil más féidir)
Coinnigh as rochtain leanaí. Ná slog!


Upozorenja o opasnosti 

Uvijek pročitajte etiketu i informacije o proizvodu prije uporabe.
Upozorenje: Uzrokuje iritaciju očiju i kože.

Sigurnosne upute
U SLUČAJU KONTAKTA S OČIMA ILI KOŽOM: Temeljito isperite vodom i odmah se obratite liječniku! (Ako je moguće, pokažite etiketu boce)
Čuvati izvan dohvata djece. Nemojte gutati!


Pavojų įspėjimai

Visada perskaitykite etiketę ir produkto informaciją prieš naudojimą.
Įspėjimas: Sukelia akių ir odos dirginimą.

Saugos instrukcijos
PATEKUS Į AKIS AR ANT ODOS: Kruopščiai nuskalaukite vandeniu ir nedelsdami kreipkitės į gydytoją! (Jei įmanoma, parodykite butelio etiketę)
Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje. Nenuryti!


Twissijiet ta' Periklu 

Dejjem aqra t-tikketta u l-informazzjoni tal-prodott qabel l-użu.
Twissija: Jikkawża irritazzjoni lill-għajnejn u lill-ġilda.

Istruzzjonijiet tas-Sigurtà
FIL-KAŻ TA' KUNTATT MAL-GĦAJNEJN JEW MAL-ĠILDA: Aħsel sewwa bl-ilma u ikkonsulta tabib minnufih! (Uri t-tikketta tal-flixkun jekk possibbli)
Żomm barra mill-ħars ta' tfal. Tagħmlux ġo ħalqek!


Avisos de Perigo 

Leia sempre o rótulo e as informações do produto antes de usar.
Aviso: Causa irritação nos olhos e na pele.

Instruções de Segurança
EM CASO DE CONTATO COM OS OLHOS OU A PELE: Enxague abundantemente com água e consulte um médico imediatamente! (Se possível, mostre o rótulo da garrafa)
Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças. Não ingira!


Atenționări de Pericol 

Citiți întotdeauna eticheta și informațiile despre produs înainte de utilizare.
Avertisment: Provoacă iritații ale ochilor și pielii.

Instrucțiuni de Siguranță
ÎN CAZ DE CONTACT CU OCHII SAU PIELEA: Clătiți bine cu apă și consultați imediat un medic! (Dacă este posibil, arătați eticheta de pe sticlă)
A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor. Nu înghițiți!


Upozornenia na nebezpečenstvo 

Pred použitím si vždy prečítajte etiketu a informácie o produkte.
Upozornenie: Spôsobuje podráždenie očí a pokožky.

Bezpečnostné pokyny
PRI KONTAKTE S OČAMI ALEBO POKOŽKOU: Dôkladne opláchnite vodou a okamžite vyhľadajte lekára! (Ak je to možné, ukážte etiketu fľaše)
Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Neprehĺtajte!


Opozorila o nevarnosti 

Pred uporabo vedno preberite etiketo in informacije o izdelku.
Opozorilo: Povzroča draženje oči in kože.

Varnostna navodila
OB STIKU Z OČMI ALI KOŽO: Temeljito sperite z vodo in takoj poiščite zdravniško pomoč! (Če je mogoče, pokažite etiketo na steklenici)
Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Ne zaužiti!



Läs alltid etiketten och produktinformationen före användning.
Varning: Orsakar irritation i ögon och hud.

VID KONTAKT MED ÖGON ELLER HUD: Skölj noggrant med vatten och kontakta omedelbart läkare! (Visa flaskans etikett om möjligt)
Förvaras utom räckhåll för barn. Får inte förtäras!


Upozornění na nebezpečí 

Před použitím si vždy přečtěte etiketu a informace o produktu.
Varování: Způsobuje podráždění očí a pokožky.

Bezpečnostní pokyny
PŘI KONTAKTU S OČIMA NEBO POKOŽKOU: Důkladně opláchněte vodou a ihned vyhledejte lékaře! (Pokud je to možné, ukažte etiketu lahve)
Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí. Nepožívejte!



Használat előtt mindig olvassa el a címkét és a termékinformációkat.
Figyelmeztetés: Szem- és bőrirritációt okoz.

Biztonsági utasítások
SZEMBE VAGY BŐRRE KERÜLÉS ESETÉN: Alaposan öblítse le vízzel, és azonnal forduljon orvoshoz! (Ha lehetséges, mutassa meg a palack címkéjét)
Gyermekektől elzárva tartandó. Ne nyelje le!



Shipping Information for Our Online Shop

We ship our beGLOSS products from Germany.

All our products are manufactured in Germany, adhering to strict legal requirements. This ensures the highest quality standards, safety, and reliability for our customers.


🚚 Shipping Partners:
We ship nationally and internationally with FedEx and DHL.

🔍 Tracking:
Both partners offer simple package tracking, with FedEx excelling in fast delivery and transparent service.

📦 Discretion:
All orders are shipped in neutral packaging without advertising or beGLOSS branding—your privacy is our priority.

🌍 Your Country Missing?
If your country isn’t listed, contact us via the online chat, and we’ll review adding shipping options.

Delivery Times:
Delivery times vary depending on the destination.

Please note!

📦 Customs Duties & Taxes:
When importing our products into your country, customs duties and taxes may apply. These must be paid directly to the customs authorities and are not covered by us.

✍️ Address Information:
For orders from Asia: We cannot process addresses written in Asian characters. Please provide your address in Latin letters to ensure smooth delivery.

Double-check your information before completing your order to avoid delays.

Shipping costs (including statutory value added tax)

Shipping to USA & Canada
The shipping costs based on weight:

  •  Up to 0,999 Kg - 19,90 
  • from 1 kg - 1,99 kg -  16,90 €
  • from 2 kg - 2,99 kg -  26,90 €
  • from 3 kg - 5,99 kg -  36,90 €
  • from 6 kg - 8,99 kg -  46,90 €
  • from 9 kg - 49,90 €
  • Shipping time 3-5 working days

    Shipping to the UK & Ireland
    The shipping costs based on the order value (net order value):


  • Up to 59,99 €: 12,90 €
  • 60,00 €–139,99 €: 8,90 €
  • from 140,00 €: 6,90 €

    Shipping to France:
    Shipping costs based on order value (gross value):

  • Up to €49.99: €11.90
  • €50.00–€99.99: €9.90
  • €100.00–€199.99: €8.90
  • From €200.00: Free shipping

  • Domestic deliveries (Germany): 



    Shipping Costs (including VAT)

    Deliveries within Germany:
    Shipping costs based on order value (gross order value):
    We also deliver to DHL - PACKSTATION stations.

  • Up to €49.99: €5.90
  • €50.00–€99.99: €3.90
  • From €100.00: Free shipping

    Deliveries within the EU:
    Shipping costs based on order value (gross order value):

  • Up to €49.99: €11.90
  • €50.00–€99.99: €9.90
  • €100.00–€199.99: €8.90
  • From €200.00: Free shipping

    *Does not apply to specific listed countries.

    Shipping to Spain & Portugal:
    Shipping costs based on order value (gross order value):

  • Up to €49.99: €11.90
  • €50.00–€99.99: €9.90
  • €100.00–€199.99: €8.90
  • From €200.00: Free shipping

  • Shipping to Switzerland:
    Shipping costs based on order value (net value):

  • Up to €79.99: €19.90
  • €80.00–€199.99: €12.90
  • From €200.00: Free shipping

  • Shipping to Norway:

    Shipping costs based on order value (net value):

  • Up to €79.99: €14.90
  • From €80.00: €10.00
  • From €200.00: Free shipping

  • Shipping to Singapur

    We calculate the shipping costs to Singapur based on the order value (net product value):
    Shipping costs €26,90 - for orders up to a value of €99.99-
    For orders from €100,- the shipping costs are €10.00-

    Shipping to China
    Shipping costs based on order value (net value):

  • Up to €99.99: €26.90
  • From €100.00: €19.90

  • Shipping to Taiwan
    Shipping costs based on order value (net value):

  • Shipping cost 29,90 €

  • Deliveries to South Korea
    Shipping costs based on order value (net value):


  • Up to €49.99: €26.90
  • €50.00–€99.99: €19.90
  • From €100.00: €16.90

  • Economy Express Shipping - International by Zones

     Delivery time approx. 3-7 working days staggered according to zones

     Zone Value of goods up to 99,99- Euro Value of goods from 100,- Euro
    1 19,90 € 9,90 €
    2 69,00 € 49,90 €
    3 36,90 € 26,90 €
    4 56,90 € 39,90 €
    5 26,90 € 19,90 €
    6 79,90 € 99,90 €


    Zone 1:
    Zone 2: Australia, China, New Zealand
    Zone 3: Japan
    Zone 4: Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine
    Zone 5: Hong Kong, India, Israel, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,Taiwan, United Arab Emirates
    Zone 6: Rest of the World (If your country is not in the list, please send us an email.)

    Delivery Times

    If no other timeframe is specified in the offer:

    • Domestic (Germany): Delivery within 1–3 business days.
    • International: Delivery within 5–8 business days after the contract conclusion (for prepayment, after payment receipt).

    Important Notes:

    • No deliveries on Sundays and public holidays.
    • For items with different delivery times, shipping is done in a single shipment unless otherwise agreed. Delivery is based on the item with the longest timeframe.

    Payment Options:
    ✔️ Cash on delivery (+€3 fee)
    ✔️ Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Union Pay
    ✔️ Invoice (14 days)
    ✔️ Klarna
    ✔️ Apple Pay, Google Pay
    ✔️ PayPal, Shop Pay

    Bank Details:
    Account Holder: beGLOSS GmbH
    Bank: Deutsche Bank
    IBAN: DE13700700100907165500

    Have Questions?
    Contact us via our chat for quick assistance.

    You can also find our contact details in the imprint.
    beGLOSS Academy


    What do you have to pay attention to in order to maintain the lifespan, shine and quality of your favorite piece of clothing? With our tutorials you will become an expert.

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    Vinyl clothing, also known as vinyl, is a special blended fabric that has a high-gloss PVC coating. For high gloss and long wearability, a special vinyl detergent should be used. Conventional detergents or even dishwashing liquids are not suitable for this special material. They can bleach the vinyl, peel it off and often only partially remove odors and dirt. Since vinyl clothing has the ability to absorb odors, detergents containing fragrances are unsuitable. beGLOSS special detergent does not add unnecessary fragrances. Our innovative formula protects the PVC from wear and prevents it from sticking.

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    Care for Vinyl and PVC clothing. A high-gloss outfit in just a few steps

    The correct care of vinyl, PVC, vinyl and textile combinations with our innovative cleaner. This means that even stubborn dirt can be removed. Please do not put the vinyl clothing in the washing machine. The detergent is intended for hand washing. To do this, lukewarm water is placed in a suitable container and mixed with the Special Wash Vinyl & PVC. Follow the dosage instructions on the detergent bottle. Immerse the lacquer, PVC or vinyl garment completely in the mixture. The washing process should take a maximum of 2-3 minutes. After washing, be sure to rinse with plenty of clean water. Hang and dry. Complete.

    Made in Germany

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    About us

    Exclusive fashion has to make an impression – immediately and everywhere. Following this mantra, beGLOSS has been offering the highest quality care for outfits made from latex, leather, vinyl and much more since 2015.

    Based on 139 reviews

    Poudre fine

    a perfect latex finish

    Für meine Foto- und Studio Situationen ist beGloss der Finish für eine Latexgarderobe. Danke für das tolle Produkt.
    For my photo and studio situations, beGloss is the finish for a latex wardrobe. Thank you for the great product.

    The best for Latex!!!

    Works as expected, especially useful for bathing your latex

    Splendid results with low effort.

    The Special Wash Ultra Clean works fine out of the box. Just add the detergent into appropiate amount of Water, pull, launder and rinse your latex clothes and anything from a simple collar to a Catsuit can be washed inside and out. It has no problem even cleaning of talkum powder from latex or the latex shiner.
    But a bit of effort is allways necessary to get the best result without any left over stains. especially with very big pieces like catsuits.
    So. Take care about you, your Latex and others with this product and have fun!

    My order

    Great service. Arrived promptly. Excellent product.

    Satisfied longtime customer

    Since years I trust the quality of begloss 💯. The glide oil keeps everything it promises and is really skin friendly. This is really the best care product👍.


    Begloss is the best ltx dressing aid👌👌👌💯💥

    Slides right in

    The product does everything it promises. For the best results i recommend a liberal application of the easy glide, on skin and latex product you wanna fit in.

    It doesnt stain the latex, so shining the outside afterwards is quick and easy.

    Perfect shine

    after cleaning my latex i always use a little perfect shine in clean water and drop the clean latex in to give it a perfect shine and protection ready to wear for next time

    Easy glide the best dressing aid i ever had

    before dressing up i use a little easy glide on my latex and my body and the latex slide so easily over my skin and it will slide perfectly so the tension is all over the body the same

    Sehr gut besser als 100 Silicon

    Sehr 👍

    Tolles Produkt

    Zum Anziehen von sehr engen Sachen exzellent. Sehr gute Alternativ zum Puder.

    Das Beste

    Die Waschleistung ist einfach Top.

    Shiny Latex

    An absolutely super care set for wearing shiny latex.


    Latex Polish WIpe

    So glad I ordered the latex polish wipe! Now I can polish our latex clothes without stain residues. The clothes shine evenly and don't look matt

    Worth It!

    We just recently decided to invest in proper cleaning and polishing products after using tacky, sticky Pjur products and Fairy Liquid.

    We ordered the BeGLOSS Wash and the Polishing Cloth and both perform exactly as described. Very good product!

    We decided on RadicalShine BLUE for our maintenance polish but when we get some spare cash we will definitely be investing in some BeGLOSS Perfect Shine for that high gloss look!

    Delivery was prompt, trackable and product arrived safe!


    Higly recomended for latex. You need way less gloss on your latex with this wipe. Latex looks clean and shiny.

    Complete Care Set - a perfect choice

    Perfectly matching set of products all of superior quality! I will definitely stay with the products of begloss. Even older latex gets back to a perfectly shining surface.

    Good product

    It helps a lot, and make all feel amazing.

    Mettre du latex - EASY GLIDE
    christophe durand
    toujours de bonne qualité

    Tous les produits que j'ai commandé se de très bonne qualité et respecte la peau sur le risque des allergies et de très bonne qualité pour le latex


    Nice and shiny

    very pleased

    very pleased
    Previously had other brands but cannot be compared to begloss
    my latex has never been so shiny

    The price is high when you live in Canada, almost double but still worth it.